Hi, I found this one really challenging like Kerry did too! It's taken me till today - the due date - to complete at least one painting. I woke up this morning with motivation. In my head I thought, "That's it!?! I need to make time for this and get it done!"
I got up and set myself an hour minimum and put on "Saturday Morning Cartoons" Compilation. For some reason when I woke up I just wanted to listen to that banana splits song "tra la la" and it really suited the mood. I just wanted to be playful and a little childish and have fun! Half way through I found the songs were a little more "rocky" in beat and that's when I started painting with more mark making and also put in darker colours.
I also started with watercolours and water soluble pastels but they just didn't cut the deep colours and textures I wanted to create with this music on.
I also agree with Kerry that once I listened to a few songs it was easier. I think I would like to do more paintings and also like to revisit this exercise. It'd probably be good to do every second week to let things go and loosen up with our painting.
This painting has a lot of texures which I love - quite different to mine.