Sunday, January 8, 2012

Caravan Park Companion

After last night's inspiration and work, I thought I would continue with a few more studies for my canvases. Hopefully soon, I will have the courage to attack the big boards......loose and elaborate with colour! This is a picture of a cute dog that came to greet us at the local caravan park. He loved the pats!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Studies

I haven't posted for a while, but finally the stick I'm sitting on is getting sharp! I've been stuck on working on large canvases and putting too much pressure on myself to create master pieces on the first go! So I decided to focus on the area I felt the least confident, which was my colour palette. I did the 6 studies above in the complimentary colours to see how I would go at mixing. I have a tendency to be attracted to the oranges and blues, and wanted to move away from those colours. I chose a photograph from our Jandowae trip and painted the rusted old pot below. I feel more confident in attacking my larger canvases now! I can't wait!