Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 7 "Painting to Music"

This week I wanted to play around with a different medium, so I decided to use water colours. I really have no experience with water colour but I wanted the washy blend of colours in my picture.

I put my headphones in and put on a relaxing playlist from my iphone. It was a self-made compilation of artists like zero 7, cowboy junkies, regina spektor and sia.

I found myself drawn to blues, drawing in a horizontal plane. I have to say I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, for such a quick job. I think I really got in to mood and painted my emotions. I painted this one at night, which is when I'm alert but relaxed. I think this helped :-)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Week 6 "Metal or Rust look Exercise"

I was quick to get into this exercise, I was looking forward to trying this one out. I think I'll try out a few others, with thicker acrylic. I may even try scrunching the alfoil to get a different look.

Week 5 "Paint what you hear" continued

This was my bad attempt at "painting what I heard". As I said before, I really didn't enjoy this exercise nearly as much as some of the others.....but here's the explanation anyway. The top left flicks are the crows cawing, the top right circular flicks are the smaller birds cheeping, the swirling to the left was the motor of the fridge kicking in, the circular continuous lines were people talking on t.v. - big loops were when the tv was louder or a female voice was on, there were mono-tone voices in there too. The "sun bursts" was the clock ticking over, the bottom, left lines was water coming out of the kitchen tap and the musical notes on the right was music from the tv. Done!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 5 "Paint what you hear"

I did the week 5 challenge but didn't really enjoy it too much. I was too inspired from last week and wanted to paint another picture in the style of Kelly Rae Roberts. I caught up with a good friend from high school recently who has always been very encouraging when it comes to my artwork. I decided to paint her a picture, this is the initial collage I started with. I had in mind reds and greens but as you can see it didn't quite turn out that way! I put a green through the gel medium and it sort of turned out lime.......I was looking at it and thinking "I don't like it!" but I've learnt from good teachers that if you don't take it too seriously and keep going you then usually aren't afraid to try different things and end up with something great you didn't expect!

To be honest, I wasn't even happy with the way the collage turned out, it had too many dark colours and I didn't like the lime green! I then started with dark purple in mind but for some reason put white in it. I still "didn't like it!"......It was going to be warm tones but I let my creative flow do what it had to do.........

I started putting in the figures

Started with some details

I got rid of the wings and darkened the eyes as a suggestion from my boyfriend. And here's the finished product! I really enjoyed doing it, so much so, I've never finished a whole picture in one day. I finished it and gave it to my friend the next day! It's called "Kelly & Eboni"